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Join us on HenrikoCraft - A Pretty Great Survival Server!
HenrikoCraft is a lightly modded "vanilla+" server, with some neat additions to the game such as Create, backpacks, hidden artifacts and lots of quality of life improvements. All with a focus on fun, of course. It's completely non-profit, too!
Join us today for the ultimate survival experience.
Visit and stay to explore endless adventures!
Download the server modpack and join us today!
And if you haven't already,
join our Discord server!
Important Information & F.A.Q:
🔒How do I claim / protect my builds and my chests?
Since the server requires a verification step, you can rest assured that your items will most likely be safe even without extra protection. But, for peace of mind, you can easily protect your builds by using the built in FTB Chunks mod. You can access the chunk claim map on your inventory screen in-game in the top left corner.
❄️How do the seasons work?
The server offers proper seasons with changing climate and seasonal effects, which actually affect gameplay in various ways! Seasons change automatically according to the real-life seasons, and last roughly 1 real life month each. Some seasonal effects include;
Snowing in the winter, except for hot biomes like jungles or deserts.
Cold temperature in the winter, making it necessary to warm yourself to not get serious debuffs. Ways to do this includes wearing warm clothing (leather armour), staying near heat sources (like torches, camp fires, lava etc.) or intense movement (like running, cutting wood etc.)
Water will turn to ice in the winter, and melt again in the spring.
In the summer, the opposite applies. You will get hot if you're out in the sun for too long, and must cool yourself in different ways. Wearing armour is not always beneficial, since it makes you heat up a lot more in the summer and spring season.
Crops will grow quicker in the summer and fall, and slower in the winter.
Wintery mobs will spawn in the winter, and summery in the summer. Like polar pears, wolves and snowmen in the winter, and parrots and pandas in the summer.
Flowers will spawn frequently in the spring.
It will rain more in the fall.
And many more details...
📜What are the server rules?
Be respectful to everyone, including staff members.
Be ethical, use common sense.
Griefing, Raiding or stealing is NOT allowed and is punishable through a permanent ban.
Don't beg for items (or ranks/perks).
Don't use slurs or derogatory terms.
Don't use cheats, hacks or exploits that may give you an unfair advantage against other players.
YOU are responsible for YOUR actions.
This is NOT a PVP server. Make sure the other player is okay with the combat beforehand.
Please only speak English in global chat, other languages should be kept in private messages between players.
Tell the truth.
Some cussing is allowed, but exessive swearing or the use of slurs or derogatory terms is not condoned.
🥇How do I rank up? And what do the ranks do?
Ranking up is the way you gain access to more of the server's features, as a reward for staying dedicated to the server and our community!
You rank up automatically based on your play time, and some other criteria like how many blocks you have placed and how much XP you have gathered in total.
You can manually check these criteria, as well as your play time, by typing /rank in the chat.
The ranks are as following;
Unranked (Default)
The default rank every player starts with. It has no special perks, but can use all basic functionality the server has to offer.
Criteria: 2+ hours of total play time + 100 blocks moved.
Perks: Can create and use player shops.
Criteria: 10+ hours of total play time + 5000 blocks moved.
Perks: Can create 1 animated door, portcullis or bridge, which can be activated using redstone. Can create 2 homes using /sethome instead of just one. Gets $2500 as a bonus.
Criteria: 100+ hours of total play time + 25000 blocks moved + 25 levels in XP.
Perks: Can create 2 animated doors, portcullis or bridges, which can be activated using redstone. Can set any custom plot flag on their plot, including special game rules, biomes, spawning or weather conditions. Gets $5000 as a bonus.
Criteria: 200+ hours of total play time + 100000 blocks moved + 25 Levels XP + 1500 MCMMO Power Level + 50 votes + 1+ Wither killed.
Perks: Can create 3 homes using /sethome instead of just one. Can create up to 3 animated doors or bridges, and can toggle them remotely as well. Gets $10000 as a bonus.
Criteria: 400+ hours of total play time + 250000 blocks moved + 100 Levels in XP + 250 votes + 85 advancements + 2000 MCMMO Power Level + 3+ Withers killed.
Perks: Can have up to 3 separate plots. Can set up to 5 individual homes using /sethome. Can create up to 10 animated doors or bridges, and can also automate the door(s) closing times. Gets $25000 as a bonus. Gets a custom formatted nickname in the chat.
Criteria: 800+ hours of total play time + 500000 blocks moved + 400 votes + 500 fish caught + 1000 sheep sheared + 95 advancements + 100 cake slices eaten + 500 deaths + 2500 MCMMO Power Level.
Perks: Gets access to the commands; /workbench, /loom, /anvil, /cartographytable, /grindstone and /smithingtable, /stonecutter. Gets $50,000 as a bonus.