Hi! Welcome to my HD texture pack page for Super Mario 3D Land!
Some general info regarding this texture pack which you should read before you download it;
So far, several hundred textures have been completely remade in this texture pack.
I am completely up for suggestions, changes and submissions. You will of course be fully credited for any work you submit.
The 4K version of the texture pack is scaled to 8x the default resolution. The 1080p version is scaled to 4x the default resolution.
My goal with this texture pack is to enhance the original game visuals while staying faithful to the original vision. That means my textures are meant to blend in as much as possible with the old textures so the game feel doesn't change (with some exceptions, feedback is appreciated).
This texture pack can be used with emulators and includes custom shader presets to provide nice graphical features like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (self shadowing around meshes), Bloom, Depth of Field, Tone Mapping and much more. And you can tweak it to make the game look however you like!
This texture pack will work with any custom mods / hacks of Super Mario 3D Land as long as they aren't adding new textures or changing old ones (in that case, conflicting textures will be overwritten by one another but it will still work).
Currently, only NTCS textures have been modified. You can still use this texture pack on Japanense / European / Korean versions of the game, it will still work and load the existing textures just fine. This will not include the region specific textures though (if there are any). Make sure to run the "Region Changer" script inside the coresponding folder if you're playing a version that's not NTSC (North American!)
There is up to 60 & 120 fps support using Lossless Scaling
If you don't like the way my texture pack looks (colors, contrast or general look), please note that all post processing can be modified easily from user to user to fit your own preference, you can make it look however you like. Simply press the "Home" key on your keyboard while in-game and configure the post processing in ReShade easily and immediately!
If you are having issues with stuttering and lag, remember to check "Prefetch Custom Textures" in the 'Advanced' tab of the Graphics settings before asking for help. I also recommend enabling V-Sync as it removes screen tearing in full screen mode.
Comparison Screenshots

Want to help contribute to these projects?
If so, thank you! Myself and lots of people would greatly appreciate your help making these projects shine even brighter. All contributed work will of course be credited, however not all submited textures might be included in the texture pack if they're not deemed a suitable fit for any reason. The most important thing is that textures are faithful to the original art style, and that they contain no copyrighted or otherwise illegal content before being distributed. Here are some specific core areas which are currently especially important in regards to contributed work;
UI and text translations (Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese)
UI icons and character portraits
Minor texture tweaks (mistake fixes or spelling corrections, for example)
High-quality, royalty free environment textures or material textures (PBR or otherwise) without watermarks.